System Jug #4 (Bolt-On) (Set of 2)

  • • This is a large, easy jug for everyone.
  • • Feels V2 on a 45° wall.
  • • The incut allows a full 3 finger pads deep on a dowel-like feeling jug.
  • • The top of the hold is dead-level and offers about 3 1/3 finger pads wide.
  • • For a small hand, you might have some trouble engaging your thumb, so it will end up thumb-catching the edge of the jug stacked up against your pointer finger. Thumb catch is optional for larger hands.
  • • It excels as an open-handed jug.
  • • Sold as a set of 2.

Wall Type determines the required bolt length needed to pass through the hold and the climbing wall. If you are not purchasing hardware, this option doesn't matter.
