That'll teach 'em.

Wall Type determines the required bolt length needed to pass through the hold and the climbing wall. If you are not purchasing hardware, this option doesn't matter.



When we say "learn," all we mean is slip off. Half of a 7-inch sphere with a smooth texture, this hold forces proper hands-above-the-head/body-movement below action. It offers a big open-handed, clean-feeling sloper yielding V3 on vertical.  

  • Labeled as "SLOPER." 
  • One hold only. 
  • SIZE: 7-1/8" wide x 7-1/8" tall x 3-5/8" standing off the wall.
  • V3 on vertical walls. 
  • V8 on a 45-degree wall. 
  • Texture: The texture offers a skin-friendly grip and feels like natural rock.