DEAL OF THE DAY 3 Pack Granite Mini Features (Screw-on) EARTH TONE GRAY

This deal of the day 3 Pack Granite Mini Features (Screw-on) EARTH TONE GRAY is 20% off. Small footprint features add interest to your home climbing wall.
Availability: 1 in stock


Deal of the day: 3 Pack Granite Mini Features (Screw-on)

Color: Earth tone Gray 

Discount: 20%

Reason for DOD: Used in Photoshoots

This product is not returnable, and there are no color requests.

When looking to add interest to your wall, consider this three-pack climbing hold set, which offers a variety of pinches, slopers, and seamline edges. These holds simulate a rock-like feel and are suitable for intermediate to advanced-level climbers on every wall except vertical. On vertical walls, beginners can expect V2-feeling holds to help them prepare for steeper terrain.

  • SIZE: The smallest hold measures 7" wide x 4-3/4" tall x 1-3/4" standing off the wall. 
  • SIZE: The largest hold measures 11-1/2" wide x 3-1/2" tall x 1-1/2" standing off the wall. 
  • V2 on a vertical wall 
  • V4/6+ on a 25-degree wall. 
  • V8+ on 45-degree walls. 
  • TEXTURE: Atomik 1.0/Rock-like granite texture.