DEAL OF THE DAY 10 Pack Granite Tennis Shoe Friendly Feet (Bolt-On) EATH TONE GRAY

This deal of the day 10 Pack Granite Tennis Shoe Friendly Feet (Bolt-On) EATH TONE GRAY is 25% off. Easy to stand on with a tennis shoe.

Wall Type determines the required bolt length needed to pass through the hold and the climbing wall. If you are not purchasing hardware, this option doesn't matter.

Availability: 1 in stock


Deal of the day: 10 Pack Granite Tennis Shoe Friendly Feet (Bolt-On) 

Color: Earth tone gray

Discount: 25%

Reason for DOD: Used for photoshoot

This product is not returnable, and there no color requests. 

In the climbing world, these holds are suitable for beginners using tennis shoes on climbing walls in venues such as schools, churches, and summer camps. The size of these holds would be considered small handholds for everyone else. 

For our other sets in this line, links are listed below from smallest to largest.

30 Pack Granite

5 Pack Granite Steep Wall Feet

12 Pack Granite Steep Wall Feet

21 Pack Granite Tennis Shoe Friendly Feet

  • SIZE: The smallest hold measures 2" wide x 2" tall x 1-1/2" standing off the wall. 
  • TEXTURE: Atomik 1.0/Rock-like granite texture.