5 Large Basic Steep Wall Slopers Set #3 (Series 2.0)

V4 on a 45-degree wall standing off the wall 2-1/2" to 3-1/2".


The incuts on three of the holds are right around 30 to 45-degrees. What I love about them is the variety of incut and wrist angle changes between them. For example, one is low profile at 2-1/2" standing off the wall; your fingers feel close to the wall. Another measures 3-1/4" standing off the wall. The extra 3/4" of protrusion makes the hold feel a lot larger. 

Set #3 offers a somewhat incut sloper on vertical and slightly overhanging walls. On vertical walls, this is a VO/1 set. On a 25-degrees overhanging wall, you can expect a V2 feeling sloper.

On a 45-degree wall, this is the set to get if you are looking for a V4/5 sloper. 

Setting these as sloping sidepulls makes for some core-clenching compression problems because this set is still positive enough to make that happen. 

Links to the sets in this series: 

Set #1

Set #2

Set #3

Set #4

Set #5

  • Wide 5-1/4" to 6-1/4".
  • Tall 4-1/2" to 5".
  • Standing off the wall 2-1/2" to 3-1/4".
  • V0 on vertical walls. 
  • V1 on 25-degree walls. 
  • V5 on 45-degree walls. 
  • TEXTURE: The texture is silky, grippy, and skin-friendly that feels like natural rock.