10 Thin Steep Wall Crimps

Steep wall crimps

Wall Type determines the required bolt length needed to pass through the hold and the climbing wall. If you are not purchasing hardware, this option doesn't matter.



First, let's talk about "steep" and "thin". The "steep" part of the name refers to the holds being best suited for steep terrain. This is due to the small lip on the holds. They bite in lower-angle terrain. When using in low angled terrain, you might consider orienting them as sidepulls. 

The "thin" part of the name refers to the amount of material near the lip of the hold. The actual incut on several of them are one to one and a half finger pads deep so that they may look thin, but they are deep for a crimp. 

For variety, many of these holds favor your right or your left hand. The incuts also vary from shallow to ample. 

On vertical walls, you can expect V1, on a 20-degree wall V2, and on 45-degree walls, V4 to V7. 

  • SIZE: Average hold measures, 3" wide x 2-1/2" tall x 5/8" deep
  • V1 on vertical walls. 
  • V2 on 20-degree walls. 
  • V4/7 on 45-degree walls. 
  • Texture: The texture offers a grip that is skin-friendly and feels like natural rock.